The police in Ondo on Monday arraigned a 26-year-old student, Abel Oluwatosin, in an Okitipupa Chief Magistrates’ Court for allegedly stealing a patient’s cell phone and N104, 500 cash.
Oluwatosin, is charged with theft.
The Prosecution Counsel, Insp. Ayodeji Omoyeigha, told the court that the defendant on April 8 around 1 a.m. at Omosanya Hospital in Okitipupa, Okitipupa magisterial district stole an Itel 1508 camera phone.
He alleged that the defendant stole an Itel 1508 camera phone valued at N18,500 and N86,000 cash belonging to a patient, Jonah Akintundire.
The offence,he said, contravened 390(9), Criminal Code, Cap.37, Vol.1, Laws of Ondo State 2006.
The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty.
The Chief Magistrate, Mr Dickson Ogunfuyi, admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N100,000 and one surety in like sum who must produce evidence of a year tax clearance paid to the state government.
He adjourned the case untill Aug. 15 for further hearing.